Radio OverCoat #253 (2018-3-18): I Tracked Them Down Just For You


In this podcast I spend a good portion of the show kickin’ it oldschool. Like, really oldschool. The first quarter of the show is all about the modscene and demoscene, which by the way, most of those songs are available at The Mod Archive for free! Then I play some super relaxing sounds of the …

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Radio OverCoat #247 (2018-01-14): Duke Nukem’s Bubblegum Crisis


I’m here to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I’m all out of ass. Also for this show I played a few tracks from Starcadian’s newest album Midnight Signals (Bandcamp, $9.90+). Go buy that cuz it’s incredible! Read on for the rest of the playlist:

Radio OverCoat #237 (2017-09-24): Nobody Told Me


Hey! Everyone forgot to tell me there was a listening party on 8BitX for the new DESKPOP & CHIPWIN album [Bandcamp, Name Your Price] but regardless I replayed a few of the tracks on my show this week, as well as some tracks from FOGPAK #19 which just came out [Bandcamp, Name Your Price]. Apologies …

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Radio OverCoat #232 (2017-08-06): A Large Ogg


This week’s show was a real treat, at least for myself. I got a couple new albums to play for the show, T-Square’s 2016 CD “Treasure Hunter” and Yukihiro Takahashi’s “…Only When I Laugh,” vintage 1986. Somehow these albums eluded me until now, but I was able to get them off Google Play’s music store …

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Radio OverCoat #231 (2017-07-23): Jazz is Just 🅱oneless Music


This week’s show was ultra mega chill. Lots of relaxing synthwave, chiptunes, and jazz for the whole show. I also wanna give a shoutout to Fearofdark for putting out another fantastic album, Exit Plan (Bandcamp, £5+) and I highly recommend listening to the whole thing. Definitely one of my favorite chiptune artists currently making music. …

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Radio OverCoat #220 (2017-03-15): When Life Gives You Lemon Demons


I was about halfway into doing another cyberpunk special tonight, having finally gotten my Snatcher double LP from Ship to Shore & Yetee a few days prior, but it turned into a giant J-fusion playlist instead. It’s just as well since One Night in Neo-Kobe is one of my favorite songs ever and the likes of …

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Radio OverCoat #215 (2017-01-25): Sleepin’ Makes Me Feel Good


AND BOY DID I SLEEP A LOT I’ve been sick for some time after MAGFest, that is to say I’ve spent more time sick this year than not, so far, though I’m finally well enough to do radio shows again. I also have a new setup and a new DJing style. Still working out some …

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Radio OverCoat #213 (2016-12-21): Now With More Beatmatching


Howdy! Long hiatus, I know, but a lot of things happened. TLDR is that I got a new PC, but a bunch of other life events prevented anything from being done in a timely manner. However, I am back now! With a new setup. I’ve started using Mixxx and it’s been working out nicely, doing …

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