Nitro Game Injection #409: Is This Retro?


Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadKyle gets into a pedantic argument with himself about what even is “retro” while gushing over Materia Collective’s fantastic new Super Mario 64 album Hang on to Your Hat, along with some orchestral Streets of Rage, some nice acoustic trappings including a track from the Pixel Mixers and Game …

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Nitro Game Injection #398: Entire Incognito Jam


Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadKyle gets lost in pronunciation hell and plays a LOT of Mega Man, some Sonic, a dash of Final Fantasy VII, and more!

Nitro Game Injection #364: No Hard Feelings


Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadThis week on NGI, take a listen listen to the latest from KWED as well as some selections from LongestSoloEver’s new Sonic album, revisit MYRONE’s incredible Drift Stage soundtrack, and more!

Nitro Game Injection #356: Encounter! Wankery (RPG Battle Themes Special)


Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadIt’s time to FIGHT this week with guitariffic remixes of battle themes from legendary Japanese RPGs like Phantasy Star, Dragon Quest, Earthbound, Xenoblade, and Persona, as well as cult classics like Breath of Fire, Dragon Slayer, Ys, Wild ARMs, Lufia and more!

Nitro Game Injection #319: Mammoth Blaster


Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadThe Soundtrack Spotlight shines on Sonic Mania Plus this week, along with a metric ton of new stuff from the YouTube VGM remixing community, a toasty Source Tune Spectrum segment, and more!

Nitro Game Injection #298: Toxic Treasures


Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadHead back to the Toxic Caves, check out new albums from Pixel Mixers and LONELYROLLINGSTARS, celebrate February 2018’s gaming anniversary milestones, and more on this week’s episode!

Nitro Game Injection #288: Wii Will Not Be Defeated


Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadThis week mostly focuses on remixes from YouTube, as well as celebrating recent milestone game releases this week with a new segment, along with a somber look back at the Wii U for its fifth anniversary.

Nitro Game Injection #286: Listener Beware! (Halloween 2017 Special)


Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadNGI spooks it up for Halloween, featuring tons of selections from the Danse Macabre collection and more. You’re in for a scare!

Nitro Game Injection #278: This Episode is Untitled


Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSome choice tracks from MYRONE’s latest release, a slew of remixes from Super Mario Odyssey, a tribute to a fallen VGM remix community member, and more on this episode of Nitro Game Injection!

Nitro Game Injection #272: Get Strung (Acoustic Special Revisited)


Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadExactly 100 episodes later, Kyle revisits the world of acoustic remixes on this episode of Nitro Game Injection!