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6:58 PMaddictedtochaoshello
7:02 PMWarren LewisHi!
7:02 PMaddictedtochaosFine to be a fan but those are fanboys.
7:03 PMaddictedtochaosXbox always has a lot of needless talking rather than just let the games speak for themselves.
7:04 PMaddictedtochaosIt looks great but I still don’t know what it is. Hopefully single player.
7:05 PMjordan thompsonI was thinking about going to bed early but I got a notification for the podcast and I’m not gonna not watch Andrew so thanks for that (said sarcastically)
7:05 PMWarren LewisA Nightmare on Elm Street (Rare developed, LJN produced) I didn’t know Rare was still around today.
7:06 PMjordan thompsonwell I’m awake now
7:07 PMaddictedtochaosBut Xbox is getting Yakuza so more people will get to enjoy those games.
7:07 PMWarren Lewiswhoops.
7:07 PMWarren LewisI forgot.
7:08 PMmatthew wilsonno it wont, ms embarassed them 50+ games with xcloud gamepass
7:09 PMjordan thompsonwhat about the Verizon : galaxy, Apple : cosmos and the Nutella : stargate
7:11 PMWarren LewisMight have to worry about Google’s servers not going down, etc. too.
7:12 PMjordan thompsonI have only this to say …… Google +
7:12 PMWarren Lewisthat was cancelled wasn’t it?
7:13 PMaddictedtochaosThey are just setting Stadia up to fail.
7:14 PMWarren Lewiswhat about ChromeBooks?
7:15 PMjordan thompsonI’ll stick with my tiger electronic
7:16 PMCyberian_TigerHello again, Eisen.
7:17 PMaddictedtochaosJust Dance 2020 on Wii outsold the PS4 and Xbox One versions in the first week.
7:22 PMCyberian_TigerI like the idea but just don’t have the connection for it…paying 120USD a month for a damn data cap
7:23 PMaddictedtochaosI bought it just because it will likely be the final Wii game ever.
7:23 PMmatthew wilsonthe only shot stadia has is when it releases its free version whencyberpunk comes out, but even than I doubt it
7:23 PMCyberian_TigerI play FCC lax policys over the years.
7:23 PMjordan thompsonthe Wii is lookin to never die like the ps2 tried to do
7:23 PMCyberian_Tigerblame*
7:24 PMCyberian_TigerI’m looking forward to Cyberpunk, but after that No Man’s Sky.. I’m just gonna wait till it releases. Then see what happens.
7:25 PMCyberian_TigerOr another service. To many subscriptions out there.
7:25 PMjordan thompsona switch isn’t in the cards for me right now but I was almost convinced when alien isolation was announced im a huge alien fan
7:27 PMCyberian_TigerI kinda liked the 1998 Godzilla
7:27 PMCyberian_TigerThen again I was 8 years old at the time.
7:28 PMjordan thompsonthe film purist in me demands an original cut with the blu ray, it doesn’t look good but it’s the directors original vision and a lot of hard work went into creating that version.
7:29 PMCyberian_TigerWord around the camp fire said the first design was a product of design by comminty
7:31 PMaddictedtochaosSonic himself looks great, the movie looks bad but looks like it may be mindlessly entertaining.
7:31 PMCyberian_Tigerjim carrey is gonna be in it…so I get my money’s worth.
7:33 PMWarren LewisI’m willing to watch it.
7:34 PMjordan thompsonimagine the toys we’ll never get or the first design 🙁
7:34 PMjordan thompsonof
7:35 PMjordan thompsonI kinda just want a sonic boom movie
7:36 PMjordan thompsoncould you just not cuddle up to a sonic original cut plushy
7:36 PMCyberian_TigerOh that Sonic Boom game.. Damn Sega, could of had a gem on their hands.
7:36 PMCyberian_TigerThere was ‘wha happun’ video explain how all that went down.
7:36 PMjordan thompsonI’m glad tails was spared
7:38 PMCyberian_TigerCan’t stand any more super hero movies. I’m just way to burnt out on them.
7:38 PMjordan thompsonif you have a death wish drink everytime andrew said bounty or hunter
7:39 PMjordan thompsonwho needs kidneys
7:41 PMCyberian_TigerWarn Bros did something like that as well.
7:46 PMjordan thompsonAndrew had one to many pot brownies
7:46 PMaddictedtochaosI believe the song is “Do your ears hang low”
7:47 PMaddictedtochaosYeah I don’t know the song name either
7:47 PMjordan thompsonwe talkin spoliers
7:47 PMjordan thompsonBABY YODA AHHH
7:48 PMjordan thompsonif you didnt like baby yoda you have no soul
7:50 PMjordan thompsonI am really curious about how exactly stormtrooper function post empire and if we are gonna see defunct stormtrooper help the mandalorian
7:51 PMjordan thompsonalso jawas are dicks
7:55 PMjordan thompsonI wonder if we’re gonna see any of the extra bounty hunters in the background of the original trilogy
7:57 PMjordan thompsonthe jawas eating the egg was filmed like a explotation gore film
7:59 PMjordan thompsonid be guessing shanking wasnt in the age appropriate visuals for disney
8:01 PMjordan thompsonyou should get that cough looked at
8:03 PMCyberian_TigerTake care, looking forward to the next.
8:03 PMjordan thompsonyour the kinda guy that throws shade at the godfather aren’t you
8:04 PMjordan thompsonmean you find it hard to like anything film