BumbleKast #94: Videogame Remasters & Remakes

On this patron-inspired episode, Ian and Kyle discuss the high and lows of remakes and remasters in videogames.

Show Information
Your hosts:

  • Ian “BumbleKing” Flynn – Head writer of Sonic the Hedgehog comics for IDW Publishing and Mega Man for Archie Comics, also writing for Archie, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and more
  • Kyle “KyleJCrb” Crouse – Founder & Administrator of the KNGI Network, host of the Nitro Game Injection video game music podcast

Subscribe and listen on YouTube, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play

Original music in this episode composed by Ken “coda” Snyder, used with permission – Check out his music on Bandcamp Intro remix version by Tee Lopes! Special Thanks to our friends at Noise Channel! Pay what you want for the theme song and more great music as part of their charity compilation Noisechan & Nugget: Adventures in Chiptunes Want to have your product promoted on the show? Check out the Patreon site to find out how! Want to ask us a question? Ask at:

  • Twitter at @BumbleKast
  • Email contact [at] bumblekast [dot] com
  • YouTube comments
  • Patrons can post on the Patreon page – https://patreon.com/bumblekast

Hey fellas, how are you doing today?
Ian, when you were writing the Worlds Unite crossover, did you ever envision a scenario where there’d be a rivalry between Sonic and Alex Kidd? When it was first announced that Alex Kidd was going to be in Worlds Unite, I was expecting him to be a bit salty that Sonic had stolen the position of SEGA mascot from him.

Andrew D.
If the cosmos aligned and the Sonic the Hedgehog omniverse collapsed into a single multiverse or universe (meaning all the various Sonic series are now one new series), what things such as characters, lore, locations, etc would you like to see included? What would you like to see excluded? For example, would Sonic’s mother be Queen Aleena or Bernadette? Would you like to have had the two Robotniks from the original Archie run or one specifically… maybe Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog Robotnik? And most importantly, would Sonic’s arms be blue?

Yan shippuden
when will have sonic crossover with IDW Universe with MLP, TMNT, Gears of War

How did the decision to set the comic directly after Sonic Forces come about?

I don’t understand Sega’s thought process on preventing old and successful Sonic related things that really nailed what Sonic was from ever returning to the series while also trying new things like the live Sonic movie that miss what Sonic is all about. Why not dabble with what’s successful while also trying new things instead of putting all your eggs into the “new things” basket?

Almiron R.
I really like the relationships that happen in the Mario & Sonic series, if the Sonic series made a crossover with Star Fox, what relationships would the characters have?


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